In this tutorial learn how work array in php, In PHP, there are three types of arrays: Indexed/numberic arrays, Associative arrays and Multidimensional arrays in php.
Indexed arrays - In Arrays with a numeric index, value are stored and access in linearly.
Associative arrays - In Arrays with named keys, value can stored associative with keys value also
Multidimensional arrays - In Arrays containing one or more arrays
The numeric index can be assigned automatically (index always starts at 0), like this:
Above Example Output:
Indexed arrays - In Arrays with a numeric index, value are stored and access in linearly.
Associative arrays - In Arrays with named keys, value can stored associative with keys value also
Multidimensional arrays - In Arrays containing one or more arrays
The numeric index can be assigned automatically (index always starts at 0), like this:
$data = array("one","two","three","four","five");
Or can be Manually assign also
$data[0] = "one";
$data[1] = "two";
$data[2] = "three";
$data[3] = "four";
$data[4] = "five";
To loop through and print all the values of an indexed array, you could use a foreach loop, like this:<?php
/* Method to create array with start from zero index. */
$data[0] = "one";
$data[1] = "two";
$data[2] = "three";
$data[3] = "four";
$data[4] = "five";
foreach( $data as $value ) {
echo "data value is ".$value."<br />";
data value is one
data value is two
data value is three
data value is four
data value is five
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